Village Farm House

Village Farm House


Grade II
Date listed 04/05/1973
Date amended 20/01/1998
Nat Grid ref 28768 17982

Listed not withstanding extensive alterations for its important frontage and retention of some historical fabric; group value with The Oystercatcher Public House and Horeb Chapel.

Originally an early C17 house of 2 unit lobby entry plan with attached barn left, and late C17 kitchen wing rear right. Quoins between house and barn suggest that the latter was raised later, it was subsequently made into a stable involving some remodeling of the South frontage. Following period of disrepair, house and barn were converted into single dwelling 1970’s. Original fenestration recorded as sunk chamfered mullioned lights under a hoodmould, these replaced with some others inserted, in cast concrete during restoration. One original Tudor-arched doorway and 2 other late C19 versions, the former partly remodeled to match, pre-date the 1970’s restoration. All openings as recorded by RCHM 1978 with historic fabric between mostly intact.

RCAHM Wales, Glamorgan Inventory, volIV pt 2, Farmhouses & Cottages 1988, fig C34, maps [see P 611]
Laleston Tithe Map 1842
Ordnance Survey Map, first edition, 1:2500, 1885.

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