Finance Committee Minutes, 28 May 2024
Minutes of the Finance Committee held remotely on 28 May 2024 at 7.00pm.
Present:. Cllr D Harrison, S Philpin, S Richmond, I Spiller and C Webster.
In attendance: Gail Jewell.
1. To receive apologies for absence. Cllr C Davies.
2. Representation from members of the public. None.
3. To receive Declarations of Interest (if any) of Members in respect of the business to be transacted.
Cllr I Spiller – Personal interest as the Chair of Broadlands Fun Day Committee.
4. Approval of minutes.
Resolved: That the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting that took place on 26 March 2024 be approved as a true and accurate record, proposed by Cllr S Philpin and seconded by Cllr I Spiller.
5. Finance update
The following comments were made in relation to the March 2024 Payment List:
- Members queried the cost paid to BT for broadband and following an update from the Clerk, requested that YouFibre are tried once more for installation, before trying another company.
- In relation to the gas prices for Bryntirion Community Centre, Members requested that the temperature thermostat be checked and monitored due to the weather conditions being milder than during the winter months.
The following comments were made in relation to the April Receipt List:
- Members queried whether additional promotion had been advertised for Blandy Hall. A Member suggested publicising the space for weddings that are taking place at St Davids Church, as a space to prepare for a wedding, with only a short walk to the church. It was also suggested that Blandy Hall be publicised in the Broadlands Funday Magazine.
- Members noted the Bank Reconciliation summary as at 1 April 2024.
- Members noted the Bank Reconciliation summary as at 1 May 2024.
- The committee approved payments made during March 2024, which were presented with the agenda that included voucher numbers 461 – 483. Proposed by Cllr I Spiller and seconded by Cllr D Harrison.
- The committee approved payments made during April 2024, which were presented with the agenda that included voucher numbers 1 – 45. Proposed by Cllr I Spiller and seconded by Cllr C Webster.
- The committee approved receipts received during March 2024, which were presented with the agenda that included voucher numbers 285 – 302. Proposed by Cllr D Harrison and seconded by Cllr C Webster.
- The committee approved receipts received during April 2024, which were presented with the agenda that included voucher numbers 1 – 15. Proposed by Cllr I Spiller and D Harrison.
- The committee approved salary payments made in March 2024. Proposed by Cllr I Spiller and seconded by C Webster.
- The committee approved salary payments made in April 2024. Proposed by Cllr I Spiller and seconded by S Richmond.
- The committee noted a unredacted salary list for March 2024.
- The committee noted a unredacted salary list for April 2024.
- Members reviewed and noted the document summarising spend to date and recommended that:
- The Clerk ascertain what had been allocated to the budget heading Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre – repairs and improvements – due to the high allocation of spend to date.
- The Clerk calculate any surplus in proposed spend from the previous financial year for presentation at the next Finance Committee meeting.
- To present allocated and general reserves as part of this item going forward.
- Members considered feedback on queries / concerns raised at previous Finance Committee meeting.
None raised.
6. To review the Budget Monitoring Statement for Q4.
Resolved: Members duly reviewed the Budget Monitoring Statement for Q4 and requested that leaflets for the Laleston Ston Trail are circulated in local establishments in Laleston and advertised in the Broadlands Funday Magazine. Proposed by Cllr I Spiller and seconded by Cllr S Richmond.
7. To consider any grant/funding applications received.
8. To receive any recommendations from other Committees or Council
9. To review the Committee’s Meeting dates and consider any matters relevant to the committee for discussion at the next meeting.
Resolved: Members reviewed the Committee’s next meeting date of 25 June 2024 and in addition to the information as resolved throughout the meeting, the committee requested a running total of spend for Broadlands Funday be presented.
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 7.52 pm.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 25 June 2024 and will commence at 7.00pm.