Minutes of the Biodiversity & Allotment Committee held at Bryntirion Community Centre on 7 May 2024 commencing at 6.30pm.

Present: Cllr P King, Cllr D Harrison, Cllr J Cook, P Rabone, S Snelling and J Hughes

In attendance:  H Coburn

1. To receive apologies for absence. Cllr C Webster

2. Representation from members of the public.  None.

3.   To receive Declarations of Interest (if any) of Members in respect of the business to be transacted.  None.

4.    To receive minutes of previous meeting held on 06/02/2024

Resolved:  That the minutes of the Biodiversity and Allotments Committee meeting that took place on 06 February 2024 be approved as a true and accurate record, proposed by J Hughes and seconded by Cllr J Cook.

5.  To receive an update on tenancy agreements

Members noted that three tenancy agreements were still outstanding and discussed possible monthly inspections, as per the tenancy agreements.

Resolved: Final 14 day notice letter to be sent via recorded delivery to tenants with outstanding tenancy agreements

Resolved: J Hughes to write up a monthly inspection protocol document to be reviewed at a future meeting

6.  To agree to progress with the purchase of a pigeonhole system to be used for communication

Deferred. Item to be revisited.

7.    To discuss plot allocation What percentage of time should a plot holder be present in comparison with a non-same address assistance? Where do we draw the line before the person assisting, in effect becomes the main plot holder?

Resolved: If plot in question was originally assigned to dual names (clerk to clarify) then either person can continue to maintain plot, proposed by Cllr D Harrison and seconded by Cllr J Cook.

8.   To discuss clearance of plot protocol

Regarding the tenant who has relinquished her tenancy agreement but left the plot in an unsatisfactory condition, members resolved that LCC proceed with clearance of the plot and enforce reimbursement from the tenant for full costs incurred. Proposed by Cllr D Harrison and seconded by Cllr J Cook.

9.   To consider investigating funding opportunities for installation of nest boxes

Deferred. To be revisited once update from CDO has been received.

10. To consider inviting ‘Froglife’ group to deliver a talk on how they can assist / support the development of the wildflower meadow and orchard

Deferred. Froglife to be contacted during frog season.

11. To discuss possible plans for ‘National Allotments Week’, 12th – 18th August

Following the success of a recent coffee morning held at the allotments, members agreed to host another open morning / coffee morning on the weekend of 17th/18th of August as part of National Allotments Week

12. To discuss allotment insurance details

Members were reminded that LCC council are not covered by insurance for individual allotment plots. Tenants are advised to obtain their own individual policy to cover themselves, their property or any friends and family visiting the plot, as outlined in the tenancy agreement.

Resolved: Building insurance to be sought for the new shed structure (however contents insurance is not required as value of contents is deemed to be low)

13. To receive any recommendations from any other Committees or Council.

None received.

14. To review the Committee’s Meeting dates and consider any matters relevant to the Committee for discussion at the next meeting

Next meeting to take place on Tuesday, 16 July 2024.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 19:59pm.

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