Agenda – 21 November 2019

Agenda – 21 November 2019

November 2019

Dear Councillor,

Please accept notice of an Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council

to be held at Blandy Hall on Thursday 21 November 2019 at 7.00pm.

1. To undertake a short period of silent reflection.
2. To receive apologies.
3. To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from local residents, if in attendance at meeting, [15 minutes maximum].
4. Declarations of Interest.
5. To receive the Minutes of the previous ordinary meeting held on 17 October 2019 and consider matters arising from the Minutes not included in the agenda.
6. Council is asked to note the list of actions buy sildenafil from the Chair since the last meeting.
7. To consider quotations for various projects if any.
8. Bryntirion Community Centre.
9. Blandy Hall.
10. Ongoing projects.
11. Allotments.
12. Events update – Broadlands Fun Day, Fireworks, OAP Christmas Lunch.
13. Finance Update – Draft Budget.
14. Personnel Issues – Appointment of a Community Development Officer and Contracts of Employment for all staff.
15. To Receive Correspondence – Clerk.
16. Reports and Observations.
17. To consider Planning Applications.
18. Date of next meeting – 12 December 2019.

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